Welcome to Your School Photo Hub
Quick Links:
Please complete this form ASAP so your client liaison can design your schedule.
Interested in booking in a Marketing Shoot for your school? Click here for more information.
Interested in booking 3P to shoot your Ball or Graduation? Click here for more information.
Interested in 3P’s range of Graduation Products? Click here for more information.
Quick Questions:
How does 3P handle Sibling photos?
Students must attend the photo area before/after school, we cannot collect them from class.
What about Staff & Students who are absent or miss their photo on photo day?
HS often scheduled at school ~1wk after photo day, or PS students invited to 3P studio to have ID photo taken
How can parents order photos?
Order Forms – personalised and delivered alphabetically by year/room. Parents have option to order online or with cash in OF.

Your School Photo Day
Should contain:
Note about changing schedule on the day
Info about setup time for photographers
Outline about how contemps work (For new schools)
Info on how parents can order?

Your Photo Proofing
Once Photo Day is over our editing team will begin working on putting everything together.
Your Photo Proofs will be sent through via our online proofing system Ziflow. Click here for a quick guide to the proofing.
Staff & Student ID photos will also be sent through via an online gallery. If you have specific ID requirements please let our team know so they can send the files through in the correct format.
If you have any questions about this process please contact our editing team at editing@3p.net.au or call us on 08 9250 6244

Graduation Information
Should contain:
Link to grad form
Note about deadlines / printing time etc?

What more can 3P Photography do for you?
Should contain:
Link to all School services and products – presented in clear, visual style with pricing options.
Your 3P Photography Team
Fiona Atlan

Client Liaison

Jeremy Atlan
